• Pikey trek is a little-travelled gem !!

    We just finished a fabulous week-long trek to Pikey Peak and other wonderful sights in east central Nepal. This was our second trek with Annapurna Foothills...they are wonderful! Ngima worked with us to ensure that the trek met all of our needs, and everything was taken care of from the moment we arrived at the airport until we departed Nepal. Our guide, Dawa, and our porter, Pasang, were both friendly and as helpful as could be. This trek is in Sherpa country, and is as much about local culture as it is stunning views and good hiking.

  • Gipfelerfolg am 7126 Meter hohen Himlung Himal zusammen mit meiner Lebenspartnerin

    Im Oktober 2018 habe ich zusammen mit meiner Lebenspartnerin eine Expedition zum 7126 Meter hohen Himlung Himal gemacht. Organisiert haben wir unsere Expedtion mit der nepalesischen Agentur Annapurna Foothills Trek & Expedition Agentur.Per E-Mail konnten wir vorab mit dem Inhaber Nigma Sherpa alle wichtigen Details klären, auch kurzfristige Probleme wurden perfekt gelöst (wir haben unseren Flug nach Nepal verpasst und waren somit erst zwei Tage später als geplant in Kathmandu). Als wir in Nepal ankamen, hatte die Agentur bereits alle Genehmigungen für unsere Besteigung organisiert.Auch den Weg zum Basislager konnten wir flexibel gestallten, das heißt wir haben in Phu auf einer Höhe von ca. 4000 Meter einen zusätzlichen Akklimatisierungstag gemacht. Das Basislager war bereits fertig eingerichtet, als wir dort ankamen. Im Basislager hatten wir ein Küchenteam, das uns hervorragend versorgt hat.Nach mehreren Akklimatisierungstouren konnten wir gut vorbereitet den Gipfel versuchen. Am 26.10.2018 haben meine Lebenspartnerin, unser Sherpa Rinji und ich den 7126 Meter hohen Gipfel des Himlung Himal erreicht. Für den Aufstieg haben wir zwei Hochlager genutzt.Insgesamt war das Wetter im Oktober 2018 sehr stabil. Es gab nur 3 Nächte mit leichtem Schneefall. Allerdings war es extrem kalt und sehr windig. Wir hatten eine persönliche Ausrüstung dabei, die normalerweise für Besteigungen von Bergen über 8000 Meter verwendet wird. Diese warme Ausrüstung war jedoch auch für den Himlung Himal notwendig, d.h. ohne diese hätten wir den Gipfel nicht erreicht.Insgesamt waren wir mit unserer Expedition zufrieden, nur manchmal hätte die Kommunikation mit den Sherpas vor Ort besser sein können, da die Sherpas nur sehr wenig Englisch gesprochen haben. Insgesamt waren die Sherpas aber sehr hilfsbereit und ich möchte mich hier auch nochmals für ihre Unterstützung bedanken.

  • Mt. Mera Trek

    When my husband and I decided we wanted to trek the Himalayas we did a lot of research to determine the best guides, best itinerary and best route to attempt the summit of Mt Mera. After extensive research we decided on Annapurna Foothills Treks and Expeditions located in Kathmandu. The reviews were all positive and we believe in supporting the local guides, not the larger, well known and more expensive outfitters. Using a local company was the best decision we made in our planning.From the very first contact with Annapurna Foothills we were confident we chose the right guides. Ngima Nuru Sherpa was always quick to respond to my questions and requests for information. When we arrived in Nepal we were anxious about the adventure we were about to embark on but once we met Ngima and our guide, Dawa Sherpa, we knew we were in good hands. Ngima put us in a nice hotel in the heart of Thamel. We met to discuss our route, equipment and itinerary. Getting into Lukla is always an adventure, but our guide Dawa, had experience to get us smoothly through the stressful check-in and boarding process of a very early morning flight. Once we were in Lukla we met our two sherpas and were more than ready to start our trek to Mt. Mera. I was happy that our guide and sherpas were able to adjust to our hiking pace. They were always accommodating and went above and beyond to make us comfortable and help us along the physically demanding route. Each night as we checked into our tea house or mountain lodge it was apparent that Dawa knew the families that owned each location and they knew him. Each night we discussed the next days route and what to expect.On such a physically and mentally demanding trek you have to keep your sense of humor. Dawa and our sherpas, Pasang and Chitra all had a sense of humor and had great patience with us as we struggled with loss of appetite, very cold temperatures, exhaustion and high altitude issues. We found great friendship with Dawa, Pasang and Chitra. We were grateful for their knowledge of the terrain, weather and culture of Nepal. When we reached Khare, the last town before the Mt Mera high camp, Annapurna Foothills had all arrangements made with the mountain guide as well as all the equipment we would need to summit. As with any summit attempt there are things out of your control, the weather took a bad turn, (dangerous high winds and very low temperatures), and we were unsuccessful in our bid for the summit. We were not disappointed because the view from high camp was spectacular and we were proud of our accomplishment. Getting out of Lukla airport proved to be very difficult and we were forced to stay an extra day but Dawa, using his contacts in Lukla, was able to get us on the last flight out the next day. Because we had extra days in Kathmandu Ngima arranged a private city tour which was an awesome opportunity to see a more in-depth look at Kathmandu.On our last night Ngima took us out to dinner to a local restaurant, it was a very special send-off. If you are looking to plan a trek through the Himalayas I highly recommend Annapurna Foothills. They know the business of trekking and mountaineering, they understand the mountains, the people and the unique culture of Nepal. They will become your friends and make you feel comfortable. They are wonderful to work with. You will be in expert hands and will come home with incredible stories, photographs and the experience of a lifetime. Namaste!

  • Trek to EBC 2018

    First of all, from the touchdown at Kathmandu to the end, I was amazed by this team. From the boss and his Wife to the guides (Sherpas), and porters. They were an awesome bunch. Felt safe throughout the trip. Always there to protect and give us a hand whenever we need it. Not only pulling us up from high n big boulders or pulling us back from falling over and what I remember most is the warming of our hands when we were frozen. Great journey and passionate team. Keep it up!

  • Wonderful Manaslu cicruit trek - Nov 2018

    Huge thanks to Ngima and all the team at Annapurna Foothills. From the moment we arrived in Kathmandu, they made us feel more than welcome and went above and beyond our expectations. I think you will struggle to find a better service and at a fair price with all money being invested into Nepal rather than paying for Western overheads. The trek itself around Manaslu was both varied and challenging. The crowds were not too heavy in mid to late November and weather very good. The only downside is the long bumpy road to get there. Would highly recommend to anyone considering visiting this unique country. Thank you once again!

  • Everest Base Camp Trekking

    I was with a group of friends to Everest Base Camp in Oct-Nov18. And we got Annapurna to help us with the trekking trip. They are often going beyond their work and duty to take care of the team. They are passionate people and always checking to ensure that we are ok. Excellent service and highly recommended for trekking in Nepal.

  • 11 day trip up Mera Peak

    I had a fantastic trip with AFTE up Mera Peak November of 2018. I was traveling solo, and my guide Pasang was extremely attentive, making sure that every part of the trip went smoothly. We followed our pre-determined itinerary closely (including rest days) and successfully summited Mera Peak after many groups early in the week had turned back due to conditions. I felt safe and cared for the entire trip, and they went above and beyond in arranging accommodations in Kathmandu as well as helping book bus tickets for a trip up to Langtang NP.

  • Everest Base Camp Trekking

    Great experience with the company during this expedition. We are well looked after by the guide and assistant. They offer help to carry our backpack when we are sick and no energy, meal and drink was well serve by them. They are passionate about thier job and willing to interact with us even if we have language barrier sometimes. Definitely will go back to them if I going back for another trek in Nepal.