• Last Updated on Mar 3, 2025

Table of Contents

A very Happy New Year from the Annapurna Foothills Family!!

Another year done and dusted. 2017 has come to an end and it's time to embrace and look forward to an all new year. As we usher into 2018, it is time not only to make new plans for the future but also look back at the times gone by. It's time to hit refresh as the New Year opens its arms with another 365 days for us to embrace.

Also I, being the Managing Director of Annapurna Foothills Treks, would like to congratulate Mr. Hans Van Dalen for the successful summit of Mt. Baruntse (7129 m), one of the most fascinating mountains across the globe. Tourists from different nations were not able to summit the mountain (Baruntse) for a while but the gut and eagerness of Mr. Dalen even encouraged us to reach to the summit along with him and we successfully were able to be at the top and that was a record.

Credit goes to our authentic guide for sharing his knowledge, time, skills and information and also to the hard working porters for carrying the baggage in such places where normal people feels even hard to breathe. Hats off to them..

At last but not the least, I along with the Annapurna Foothills Treks family would like to wish a prosperous Happy New Year 2018 to all of the beautiful people out there.  

Tashi Sherpa

Tashi Sherpa